Figure Skating Forum, Thursday, September 30, 1993 Topic: If I made the rules Host: MargeR1 OnlineHost: OnlineHost: *** You are in "Press Box". *** OnlineHost: Nebula5: HI Nebula5: Sorry I'm late... where is everyone!!!??? MargeR1: I don't know I had a hard time getting on Nebula5: I think there's a lot of Free Trial people right now. I have been having a hard time lately Nebula5: Well, I got the final installment bill for my Olympics trip yesterday. ($$$$) MargeR1: me too It helps to do it a few minutes before 9 Nebula5: Yes, I think a lot of folks log on "on the hour" MargeR1: I just send in a check for my Nationals room at westin too MargeR1: are you official logger tonight Nebula5: I must admit I'm soooo jealous. Nebula5: YES Nebula5: (I think) MargeR1: Well I''' be jealous in feb Nebula5: :) MargeR1: Pairs finals are on my birthday MargeR1: at Olympics Nebula5: I will miss the pairs - going second week. OnlineHost: Kirke has entered the room. OnlineHost: Kirke has left the room. Nebula5: So I'll be watching on TV, too. MargeR1: Oh I thought you would be there for all skating? you'll miss Men's too? Nebula5: I didn't get event tickets to anything but dance prelims. Nebula5: I got "training session" tickets, th ough MargeR1: I am now LESS jealous but still jealous MargeR1: Will you see exhibition? Nebula5: NO Nebula5: I reequested just about everything - got very little MargeR1: I hope you have a friend taping at home for you while you are gone Nebula5: I suspect the US allotment was cut in proportion to the number of skaters going Nebula5: Oh, yes, US, and CBC. MargeR1: You have acess to CBC? Nebula5: Yes, SEattle cable company carries it. Nebula5: They usually have the Best coverage Nebula5: LIVE MargeR1: I wish I knew someone who could tape Skate Canada for us. Nebula5: I don't know if that's CBC or other Canadian network Nebula5: If CBC, I'll be taping MargeR1: I am JEALOUS again our cable doesn't have that Nebula5: They keep trying to take it away. Too many protests MargeR1: Would you sell a copy? Nebula5: (That would be illegal!!! ) :) e-mail me MargeR1: OK Nebula5: :) Nebula5: Yes, we watched Albertville live. Nebula5: Men's final Saturday afternoon. Yelling & screeming & crying MargeR1: I had heard that Canadian coverage was superior to US always Nebula5: Yes, Barbara & Paul are great color commentators. MargeR1: I have been a Paul fan for MANY MANY years. I was so thrilled for hime OnlineHost: GeneR50983 has entered the room. Nebula5: They also have an on-staff judge explaining what is being looked at. Great idea, I think MargeR1: They have always been favorites of mine! MargeR1: Hi Gene! You are Julie D's friend? Nebula5: I love their commentary even when I don't agree with them. GeneR50983: Good evening, yes. Nebula5: Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! GeneR50983: Thanks, good to be here Nebula5: We suspect people are having trouble signing on tonight. MargeR1: we are not on topic of If I could change the rules yet . We are chatting until more folks ar Nebula5: There's usually more people here. MargeR1: arive. GeneR50983: I did. It took three attempts Nebula5: So it wasn't just us, Marge MargeR1: It took me 6 MargeR1: I started at 8:55 Nebula5: I switched to a different access #, and it worked on the 4th try. MargeR1: There is only one local one so I wanted that for a forum Nebula5: I've been speculating with all the new people, and 10-hour free trial, that the lines Nebula5: are jammed GeneR50983: One would hope we wouldn't encounter te equivalent of "all circuits are busy" on AOL MargeR1: I know they have beem working on the service lately to expand it. That should help Nebula5: What's fun is when there are thunderstorms in some areas and people keep getting punted. GeneR50983: By the way, that me, Nebula5. One of those newcomers. Nebula5: So, Gene, you are a skater if I recall JulieD's note... Right? MargeR1: We are supposed to get rain here tonight so if I go please take over for me Julie until I ca OnlineHost: BrendaW660 has entered the room. MargeR1: can get back on. Nebula5: Hi OnlineHost: CarolSel has entered the room. MargeR1: Hi Brenda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GeneR50983: Yes. I've taken up the most beautiful of Winter sports as an adult Nebula5: You having problems too Brenda & carol? MargeR1: Hi Carol!!! BrendaW660: Whew! Finally got online! I was having technical difficulties Nebula5: Everyone is CarolSel: Hi everyone. GeneR50983: Hi Carol. BrendaW660: Sooo annoying CarolSel: Brenda, I had the same problem. MargeR1: we all did AOL is growing too fast but it should get better soon Nebula5: So, how Adult, if I may ask? GeneR50983: One month to the day after my 36th birthday. Nebula5: I'm impresseed! GeneR50983: Thank you. Most everyone seems to be. But there's really not much to be impressed about. OnlineHost: MorryS has entered the room. Nebula5: I wonder if we should forget the topic & just gab this week, given the problems, Nebula5: everyone is having GeneR50983: What is the topic? Nebula5: Morry! Nebula5: {S WELCOME} MorryS: Hi made it GeneR50983: Morry is the topic? MorryS: No way GeneR50983: How do you do. MargeR1: Is everyone ready to start tackling our "If I could change the rules topic? Nebula5: I think "If I made the Rules.." MorryS: I thought you all wanted to talk about rules MargeR1: let's do that OnlineHost: BrwnEyeMan has entered the room. Nebula5: Sure, now that people are arriving MargeR1: Is there a rule we would like to start with? ANyone? Nebula5: Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! Nebula5: Ummmm BrwnEyeMan: Hello Folks BrendaW660: Hello, BrwnEye Nebula5: Hi BEM GeneR50983: Good evening, all. MorryS: What rules are bad as far as you are concerned? CarolSel: For the skating fans here, what are the major rules in figure skating? Nebula5: There's been some changes, too, in ice dance rules, right? MargeR1: I like Ed's idea of having commentators taking judging classes MorryS: There is a 200 page rulebook so we can't hit many of them BrwnEyeMan: This is a very LARGE topic. GeneR50983: Immense. CarolSel: I wish one of our resident judges could give me a brief lesson on what is involved in Nebula5: OK (for example) put back figures. CarolSel: judging. Not asking much am I. MorryS: Some commentators are also managers of skaters so the comments are biased Nebula5: yikes MorryS: sorry figures are dead as long as the ISU and Canada have stopped GeneR50983: Playing the devil's advocate: keep figures out. Nebula5: Yeah, but I miss them. BrwnEyeMan: Are we speaking about the senior level only. MorryS: You win BrwnEyeMan: Will figures ever be an olympic sport OnlineHost: FrankP9424 has entered the room. OnlineHost: FrankP9424 has left the room. Nebula5: (I was actually devil's advocating anyway, too.) MorryS: As of next season there will be not figure test requiments to skate singles MargeR1: Isn't skating becoming more like gymnastics with younger skaters rising so much faster GeneR50983: Their elimination is to the true detriment of the sport, but not the Neilson ratings. MargeR1: without figures Example Michelle Kwan MorryS: You can not immagine the internal arguments on the subject BrwnEyeMan: At whatlevel Morry, Fourth test is required now, will it be lowered CarolSel: If figures were counted it would put an end to the jump to jump to jump routines. OnlineHost: BILLYWINGS has entered the room. Nebula5: Do you think there will be any movement to put them back, though? MorryS: There will be no no no figures required to skate singles MorryS: No chance for many reasons CarolSel: Such as? BrwnEyeMan: unfortunate development, but it will give me some extra sleep time in the morning Nebula5: Thanks for the input, Morry; I really didn't realize it was a hot subject. MorryS: Cost to the skater is a major reason and it put our skater at a disadvantage over Europe MorryS: Can't type Nebula5: Are there competitions for just figures? BrwnEyeMan: I am not sure I will tell my young skater of this development until after the 4th test. MorryS: Figures will be still in the test structure but they will be voluntary MorryS: Just think you can then sell the second set of blades Nebula5: I guess I like the concept of everyone doing the same exact thing - no music, no choreograph MorryS: There will be a Nationals for figures BrwnEyeMan: Yes but they will be replaced by Dance Blades!!!!! MorryS: Good move that is what we really need to teach run and stroking BrwnEyeMan: Taking up Dance improved my daughter's overall skating immensely. Nebula5: OK, next rule anyone? BrwnEyeMan: Now Dance is her favorite event and fortunately her best. MargeR1: Is there too much emphasis on triples and not enough artistry due to rules? MorryS: Got to go. Won't be here next week. Board of directors meeting in CS OnlineHost: BILLYWINGS has left the room. Nebula5: Bye MOrry. MANY THANKS MargeR1: thanks for coming Morry CarolSel: Bye Morry. BrwnEyeMan: thank you Morry GeneR50983: Bye Morry. OnlineHost: MorryS has left the room. BrwnEyeMan: Good Night all GeneR50983: To borrow a quote, "It was never meant to be the pole vault." MargeR1: I'd like to save last 15 min to discuss possible newsletter and next week's host and topic Nebula5: Set your timer, Marge! MargeR1: Is there a rule anyone would like to discuss for next 10 minutes OnlineHost: BrwnEyeMan has left the room. Nebula5: BTW, I had to remind our AOL guys to put our logs in the library. Nebula5: I think they are Busy MargeR1: there's reinstatement rules, costume rules, GeneR50983: Must say farewell. This was my first chat ever on AOL. Thanks for the hospitality. MargeR1: peck asked we email each week when log comes in so he gets it on Nebula5: Gene, come back soon BrendaW660: Bye, Gene. Nebula5: I Do MargeR1: come again CarolSel: Bye Gene. Come again. OnlineHost: GeneR50983 has left the room. BrendaW660: Me too Nebula5: Him and Fiteman MargeR1: we are fading fast is it me or the topic? BrendaW660: ooh, our numbers are dwindling. Nebula5: I think it's end of month blues BrendaW660: Yeah, or technical problems for others too. Nebula5: Really strange lately. BrendaW660: Of course, several regulars said they couldn't come tonight. MargeR1: Anyone want a free hour to host next weeK? Nebula5: NOT ME BrendaW660: me, me, me. Wait, what's the topic? CarolSel: When does the figure skating season officially start? BrendaW660: haha MargeR1: Should we start our specific skater topics or do we have any other ideas? Nebula5: You mean, a forum on Katarina? MargeR1: Yes Nebula5: Hoo boy MargeR1: or Mark Mitchell Nebula5: unh CarolSel: Oh please. Doe we discuss her deo? BrendaW660: Mark Mitchell I might be able to host ... but I don'tknow much about Katarina CarolSel: Can't stand that ad. MargeR1: we could get very katty here with Katerina I am afraid Nebula5: Meow BrendaW660: LOL MargeR1: I think Mark would be a popular choice BrendaW660: Hmm, I wish we could get a guest! Nebula5: Well, if you want to, go for it BrendaW660: Too bad I can't hop on the plane to Milan with my laptop! CarolSel: She is agreat performer. I was never sure about her skating. Seemed to be a lot of show CarolSel: thou MargeR1: I don't know anyone we should but a call out for that via email. Nebula5: If we can get a guest, let's do it, but otherwise, Mark'll do BrendaW660: Mark'll do ... that's kinda funny. Nebula5: He seems to be a popular topic among some here. MargeR1: I imagine a guest would take some time MargeR1: to get BrendaW660: Yes, but drat, Disney on Ice is coming next week, and I sure wish I had a publicist contact BrendaW660: with THAT tour. Nebula5: Mark is ... not a favorite of mine... I try to be diplomatic though. Hear he's a nice guy. MargeR1: Brenda, we can ask people to email you topic ideas and see if you get anything interesting. BrendaW660: True ... otherwise I'll just have to try and be my usual witty and charming self (haha) Nebula5: Hey, take your laptop and hang out! BrendaW660: True ... CarolSel: .Here's a crazy topic. Everyone knows what happens to gold medfal winners. What happens MargeR1: You will be great as always Nebula5: "OOOhhh skaters, wanna post?" CarolSel: to the silver and bronze winners. BrendaW660: THAT depends on whether you were *supposed* to win the gold! MargeR1: Linda Fratianne??? Nebula5: Good idea, Or how bout "my favorite skater who never made the big time" BrendaW660: hmm MargeR1: Paul wylie would have been mine until he finally peaked in 92 Nebula5: And aren't you GLAD!? MargeR1: yes!!! Nebula5: :) CarolSel: I enjoyed Christopher Bowman. Too bad he never learned discipline. MargeR1: I no longer have to watch Paul's routines through my fingers and tape to enjoy later. Nebula5: Well, we'll put these in the 'topic jar' until someone wants to host for them Nebula5: Oh, Marge, do I k now what you mean!!! Nebula5: Should Brenda host a forum on Mark Mitchell, then? MargeR1: we are really off topic tonight but since I don't own a rule book............ Nebula5: Or??? BrendaW660: Now, exactly what should this entail?? I don't know all that much about mark ... Nebula5: I thought we'd have more opinionated skate fans here tonight MargeR1: Sounds fine unless she wants to wait closer to nationals for that one Nebula5: Well, you pick a skater -- or another topic BrendaW660: We're just too agreeable. Nebula5: Yup BrendaW660: Has anyone seen the Disney on Ice tour w/ Beauty and the Beast? OnlineHost: CarolSel has left the room. Nebula5: Maybe one discipline -- Dance, Pairs, Men's, etc. Nebula5: Instead of a skater MargeR1: 15 minute mark Can we discuss newsletter now? Nebula5: No, hasn't come here MargeR1: ANy topic is fine with me for next week BrendaW660: yep ... I feel like it's approaching groupiedom to talk about one skater. Nebula5: Nice idea if someone has the time BrendaW660: Well, would the newsletter be about US or about SKATING NEWS? I'm unclear on that point. Nebula5: to put together a newsletter MargeR1: especially without seeing his/her first competition of the season MargeR1: It would be a newsletter of skating news with contributions by us or who ever. I have afew Nebula5: So I'm not sure what it entails, but if someone (else) want to, fine with me. MargeR1: ideas: BrendaW660: What, Marge? Nebula5: Seeing as hardly anyone even posts... MargeR1: 1) Have a Look for these skating articles in ______ section OnlineHost: LeeAnn 1 has entered the room. Nebula5: Yes, (and thanks for posting those, too Marge) LeeAnn 1: Hi all! MargeR1: 2) Include major competition results to keep as a reference Nebula5: HI Nebula5: (If you can find them) BrendaW660: Or I've thought about this idea for American Skating World ... a sort of reference for the m MargeR1: 3) Pick highlights of forum, email and BB news and consolidate it BrendaW660: month's skating articles in magazines and such. LeeAnn 1: I just go on. The stinking system wouldn't let me signon for the past 45 minutes.UGH!!! Nebula5: Same with most of us. MargeR1: 4) Write to some skaters and ask them to be a one time guest columnist on topic of LeeAnn 1: really Julie? BrendaW660: Lee Ann, we all had trouble ... I did get through a while back, though. LeeAnn 1: I called up the customer service line, they said they are having a lot of system problems, MA Nebula5: Marge, you have put a lot of thought into this! LeeAnn 1: (of course) MargeR1: their choice (explaining to them all about the online skating interest on AOL) MargeR1: 5) Event plugs for AOL skating fans BrendaW660: Of course, a few already know about us ... Nebula5: I had problems yesteday, too. LeeAnn 1: I say you ask Brian first, Marge (G) MargeR1: any comments? ideas? criticismd MargeR1: he's on the list... OnlineHost: E Dunkel has entered the room. Nebula5: HI LeeAnn 1: They said they were told it would be fixed by today. But it will probably be a problem for a while BrendaW660: I think these ideas are great, Marge. LeeAnn 1: HI BrendaW660: Is anyone logging? Nebula5: Marge, Go for it MargeR1: we are discussing nesletter how timely of you Nebula5: YES Nebula5: (?) BrendaW660: Great ... wanted to have a copy of Marge's ideas. Nebula5: I've been here most of the hour. MargeR1: I'll list them in an email for those not here and see if we can get a discussion going on th MargeR1: this E Dunkel: Hi all! Small crowd tonight, eh? I'm really just passing through en route to sleep but wanted to say E Dunkel: hi. BrendaW660: Hi, Ellen. I'm about to crash as well. Nebula5: Lots of tech problems keeping folk offline MargeR1: Do you have newsletter suggestions Ellen? E Dunkel: Sorry. I'm a little brain dead right now but I'll get back to you if that's okay. MargeR1: that's fine. BrendaW660: Just y'all online tonight, are you using the group e-mail a lot? Nebula5: (I'm going to try to phone reports from Norway & see if a friend can post for me) MargeR1: look for email tomorrow on this Nebula5: I read the e-mail, rarely have anything to send MargeR1: I like it it is cheapest way to fly here on AOL E Dunkel: AOL Airlines? MargeR1: so to speak Nebula5: AOLINES E Dunkel: Or is it Airlines OL? BrendaW660: Just wondered ... I very seldom send a blanket note .. Nebula5: Likewise, Brenda Nebula5: But when the discussion was all roller skating, I asked to be left out & got dropped complet Nebula5: ly MargeR1: I have more than 1 grouping in my address book. big one mostly used for forum nws, etc MargeR1: I think you are still in mine E Dunkel: So who else was here tonight? LeeAnn 1: I know you're still on mine. Nebula5: Yes, I seem to be back now BrendaW660: There's both a "to" column and "cc" column, so there's lots more room to add members. MargeR1: I checked Judy you are in mine BrendaW660: But I took some people out who I never hear from. E Dunkel: .....So, who else was here tonight? Nebula5: I feel so depressed when I log on & no "you've got mail." MargeR1: Morry, gene, brwn eyed man BrendaW660: Morry, Gene, BrwnEyeMan Nebula5: Ah, I missed BrendaW660: I know, Julie. BrendaW660: We had nearly an equal portion of males and females, would ya believe it? Nebula5: And a pretty good discussion LeeAnn 1: That's rare! LeeAnn 1: What was the discussion on? MargeR1: We have 4 minutes left any last minute rule to attack? BrendaW660: LeeAnn, did you have any luck w/ your ticket? LeeAnn 1: Not yet. :( Nebula5: Let the fans judge! BrendaW660: I tried to get Lynne to buy it ... she sounds like she's weakening!!! LeeAnn 1: Do you have any suggestions? MargeR1: have you tried over on *P too E Dunkel: Sorry to eat and run, but I'm going to sleep now. 'Bye! LeeAnn 1: Yep. BrendaW660: She's now saying, "We'll be cold in Detroit" Nebula5: I must run !!! Nebula5: Night all. MargeR1: Try at a local ice rink OnlineHost: E Dunkel has left the room. LeeAnn 1: Actually, one girl sounded interested, but I never heard back from her. BrendaW660: I'll work on her some more. MargeR1: put up signs there BrendaW660: Night, Julie